I empower moms with SIBO and thyroid issues to heal their gut, boost their energy, and reclaim their mental clarity and vitality so they can fully and authentically show up for life!

Karen Mitchell, NBC-HWC, FNLP

I empower moms with SIBO and thyroid issues to heal their gut, boost their energy, and reclaim their mental clarity and vitality so they can fully and authentically show up for life!

Karen Mitchell, NBC-HWC, FNLP

Areas of Expertise

  • BS, Montana State University

  • Graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition

  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

  • Graduate SIBO Pro-Course

  • SIBO Practitioner Mastery Program Participant

  • Certified Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner

Karen Mitchell empowers busy moms with SIBO and thyroid issues to heal their gut, boost their energy and reclaim their mental clarity and vitality so they can fully and authentically show up for life. Her own health journey includes bringing Hashimoto’s into remission and healing her own SIBO. She supports others in regaining agency over their health and understanding their unique needs so that they may lead their version of a healthy life. Karen lives and plays in Bozeman, Montana.

My Story

As is true for most people with a SIBO diagnosis, there wasn’t any one moment that made me say, “Wow, I feel like crap”. It was more like a slow burn.

In my early 20’s I had a multinodular goiter on my thyroid and had surgery to remove it. It was scary and I did what I was told – remove half my thyroid and all will be well. And it was, for a while. I felt great through the rest of my 20’s and through my one and only pregnancy. Life was good, until it wasn’t. Suddenly, things were feeling “off”. I experienced fatigue, constipation, belly bloat and brain fog. I had trouble sleeping and I chalked all these symptoms up to being a new mom. My hair began to fall out and the doctors just told me to get more sleep. More sleep didn’t seem to fix the problem.

After years of enduring these intense seemingly unrelated symptoms with no relief, I realized I needed to advocate for myself and find some answers. I found a naturopath, who diagnosed me with hypo (low) thyroid. I went on meds and they made me feel awful – I felt like I was on speed. I made dietary changes and it helped a little, but nothing that lasted more than a few weeks. I began to gain weight, even though I was eating less and less. I realized I needed to do something more – but what?

Then came the SIBO diagnosis. On one hand I was elated, I had finally found the answer to all my health woes! And on the other hand, I was overwhelmed with so much anxiety – everything I read told me that SIBO was complicated and hard to heal. I dove into all the information I could find about SIBO. This was the beginning of a multi-year process to heal my gut. I integrated nutrition, multiple SIBO treatments and treatments for intestinal parasites and worms. By this time, I had also acquired a Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (an auto-immune condition) diagnosis.

What I slowly realized was that I wasn’t going to heal my body with diet and treatments alone. I changed my mindset and looked to SIBO as a symptom of a root cause of an unhealthy gut. I began to view my body holistically, and attended to my physical body as well as my emotional body equally. I supported my body’s healing by incorporating mindfulness, yoga and neural repatterning. I even began somatic experiencing therapy to work through any blocks I may have to healing. I began to take charge of my own health and believe in my ability to heal. And heal it has!

Now, I no longer have active Hashimoto’s and the SIBO that once ravaged my gut has been in remission, too. My energy is abundant, fueling my mountain bike adventures and gardening hobbies. I am no longer full of anxiety about social situations around food and I feel great in my body.

My own health journey inspired me to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach to empower moms with SIBO and thyroid issues to heal their gut, boost their energy, and reclaim their mental clarity and vitality so they can fully and authentically show up for life. I felt alone in my journey but that doesn’t need to be your story.

If you can relate to my story and are someone who is struggling with your gut and thyroid health, click the button below to get my Happy Gut Starter kit and let’s chat. You don’t have to do this alone.

Your Happy Gut Starter Kit Includes

  • Your Happy Gut Quiz

Find out what your body is telling you about your gut health.

  • 6 Tips to a Happy Gut

6 easy tips to incorporate into your daily life to significantly improve your gut health!

  • 6 Tips Ebook and 7 Day Tracker

Daily action steps to ease into your new life-changing wellness habits for a week (or more).

Becky Boone

“Being diagnosed with SIBO was a start to my wellness journey but the Dr I was working with at the time was helping me from a knowledge-based standpoint only. Finding Karen was the missing piece to my health journey, she was able to help me from both a knowledge AND personal experience standpoint when it came to living with SIBO. Karen has a great way of explaining things in a way that was easy to turn into an application for my health. I always walked out of our appointments with a clear next step for myself. If I ever had any questions between appointments she would gladly answer them to help clarify my process.

Karen has helped me change my view/relationship with food - what once controlled me by how I felt, now I control by how I want to feel. I feel like I have a lifelong team mate with Karen and it is an encouragement and a comfort knowing I've got her in my corner!”


“I was diagnosed with SIBO and had tried to navigate the process by reading online and even seeing another practitioner in town. I felt incredibly lost with no direction. I was having all kinds of symptoms I couldn't attribute to one thing or another. Karen helped me clear the mud and I felt supported and optimistic about my treatment plan. Karen is extremely knowledgeable, empathetic, and will genuinely meet you where you are at. I have felt better both mentally and physically since working with Karen. My mood is better and I have more energy and overall just feel "brighter".


“For years I had struggled with Chronic Hives and Hashimoto's, along with gut issues and constant exhaustion and no matter what doctor I saw, it felt like no one could help me. I felt lost and wanted to be able to help myself and feel better without more pills. I just wanted to wake up in the morning and feel well rested. For years I just felt like being tired was part of my personality, I wanted to be able to exercise again and not feel bloated everyday. I finally feel like I have control over my own body, I can choose the right foods for myself and I know what to do to make myself feel better!

Because of Karen, I feel like I have the education and the power to help myself! That is the best feeling in the world! For so long I thought I would just have to live the rest of my life tired, bloated in pain and always wishing I could just stay in bed. I felt like there was no helping me! I would go 6 months of feeling good and having no hives then I felt terrible again, it was like a roller coaster ride but I could not get off no matter what I did.

Learning that Hashimoto's starts in the gut and that the issues I was having with my gut were totally manageable was so empowering. I now know what foods to avoid and what foods are good for my body. I do not feel at all like my diet is restrictive, as I have learned to love more nutritious foods and incorporate them into my diet. You really have to make sure you are willing to do the work, though as changing your diet and lifestyle can be difficult, it is so worth it in the end. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Karen and to know that though it has been a long road and I still have more work to do, I am on the road to healing - somewhere I never thought I would be!”

Let's talk

Are you ready to go from bloated and confused to vibrant and knowledgeable? If so, then click below and schedule a time to talk with me about your unique situation.